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Topic: Activated Carbon and Sulfurous Smells  (Read 1381 times)

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Activated Carbon and Sulfurous Smells
« on: March 31, 2014, 02:34:23 PM »
Hi All,
Just a quick question that has arisen during my chemistry investigation this year.
I've been testing the adsorption of citric acid onto activated carbon as part of my coursework and every time I do there is always slight fizzing and a smell of sulfur.
I was skeptical it was a reaction with sulphur impurities in the carbon, but I tried reacting the citric acid with sulphur and sure enough, no reaction.
I can only think it would be displacement of SO2 from the carbon surface, but I'm somewhat skeptical that so much would be produced.
Any ideas?
For reference I'm using 50mL of 0.2 mol dm-3 citric acid and about 2g of activated carbon in each test.
Thanks in advance,

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