Could you please explaining for me how can this fomula be established. I do the experiment to explore the enzymatic activity of bromalein (extracted from pineaple).
The Standard Tyrosine has concentration of 0.045% (45mg Tyr dissolved in 100 mL HCl 0.2 N)
Water sample
Enzyme solution
OD1 = OD of water tube
OD2 = OD of Tyrosine tube
OD3 = OD of Enzyme tube
The fomula in the book is
(450*DeltaOD(3)*X1)/(DeltaOD(2)*X2*10) (UI/mL)
10 is time of reaction
X1: mL of Tyrosine put in
X2: mL of Enzyme put in
But I dont understand why they get this fomula