I was trying to understand the basic principle behind NMR and I learned that a nucleus has either 0, integer or half-integer spin. I saw some examples showing 126C has a spin of 0, 73Li has a spin of 3/2, 136C has a spin of 1, 147N has a spin of 1.
There are some general rules described to explain which nucleus will have integer value, which will have half-integer value and which will have value of 0 (this is also said in some spectroscopy books as well). But I couldn't find any link that described the calculation of the spin number of a nucleus (I really like to know how 73Li ended up with a spin number of 3/2.
Some links said that since proton and neutron both have spin of 1/2, the interaction between the two will determine the nuclear spin But I like to know how.
This is kind of a question for those who are studying quantum physics, but still since this concept is important in NMR, I am guessing some of you will know this. Thanks.