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Topic: Isopropanol/Isopropyl Alcohol  (Read 4431 times)

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Isopropanol/Isopropyl Alcohol
« on: May 30, 2014, 01:26:34 PM »
Hello all, I have a feeling this is not the right place but as it's a Chemical Forum I thought you might be able to give me some information. I live in the UK.

Admin: If anyone rules broken, please edit the post and don't ban me ;)

Today I needed to get some ISO called around 10-15 chemist and several hardware stores,
All the chemist said they don't sell, could not get this but one which only had 70% and could not get me any higher, All hardware stores said no, one of them offered me Acetone or something.

I then came across one store named Maplin, which sells Isopropyl Alcohol but has no percentage on any packaging or online.

I was wondering if anyone would of purchased this before from Maplins and happen to know what the % is?

I also know you can buy ISO 99% online but Ican't wait for delivery  needed it today/tomorrow so If anyone would know where I could get some in London.

Thank you.

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Re: Isopropanol/Isopropyl Alcohol
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2014, 06:21:19 PM »
My lab buys 99% iso-propanol from a number of bulk companies, and reagent grade 99% isopropanol is available from suppliers such as Spectrum and Sigma-Aldrich.  I don't know what exactly is your dilemma, but for a lab, or industrial use, you should find a supplier.  Maybe you can be more explicit about your needs and usual suppliers?
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Re: Isopropanol/Isopropyl Alcohol
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2014, 07:02:56 PM »
A friend of mine had this issue, he needed IPA for cleaning a component in his PC and read online that it is available from hardware stores. He couldn't find it anywhere.

In the UK it does not seem to be so easy to come by as it is in other countries.

I don't know what the Maplin product is but they should have some sort of safety information which provides the contents of the product by virtue of UK Trading Standard laws, although these can be a little vague (i.e. 90-99% IPA).

As Maplin is primarily an electronics supplier I would suggest that the IPA is 99% but I couldn't say for sure.

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