Many years ago when I was a teen or younger (50's), there was an article in some magazine about a substance they called Lazy Slurry. I have checked Pop Mech and Pop Sci but no joy and Google brings up nothing.
I bought some of the chemicals to make the stuff but never did; I suppose because I was missing one of them.
The stuff has properties that are irresistible to the curious and I still want to make some.
At rest it is about like heavy cream but when stirred up or rolled into a ball, it gets hard enough to shatter when dropped to the floor but then reforms into a puddle of cream.
To this day, I know of no material with these characteristics and am hoping someone here might have some ideas.
The only possible clues I can offer may be false leads but there is a bottle of Zinc nitrate from that era in my chemicals and I recall but have since disposed of, a large container of some white powder possibly Calcium something or other. I think these were purchased for the LS project but would not bet my life on it.