I'm doing several amide coupling reactions using acid chloride and TEA. The product looks pure on NMR, HOWEVER there is HUGH amount of TEA, even more than my desired cmpd.
I've done columns with various gradients(DCM/MeOH only, it won't resolve in EtOAc), my cmpd came out clean (from other impurities). But on TLC (after column) my "clean" cmpd always has TEA, although the separation is very good, suggesting TEA shouldn't have come out with my cmpd.
I tried to protonate TEA using 1M HCl, and wash it off. the result was that i was losing 70-80% of my cmpd in aq. layer. The stuff I was making also has tertiary amine motif, I suppose whatever works for YRA would also work for my cmpd.
Tried to vac TEA off on a high vac at 45C for 3 hrs, nothing happened to TEA.
Also tried to pull TEA off by washing with Et2O in a little bit of DCM (10x plus) the results were disappointing.
I've tried any and everything I can think of/in the book, still in misery. Any expert advice is much much appreciated!!!!