December 27, 2024, 11:19:32 PM
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Topic: What can I inject into a nerf ball in order to destroy it's bouncing ability?  (Read 4711 times)

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It's a long story, but my company passed out small nerf baseballs to everyone as stress relievers.  Instead of squeezing them, everyone bounces them off the walls all day and it's driving me crazy.  I've asked them to stop, and they don't.  I would take them and throw them out, but then I can get in trouble for stealing property off someone's desk.  I also don't want it to be obviously destroyed, like cutting it in half, because they will know it's me.  I want to destroy its ability to bounce without it appearing to be tampered with.  I also just want to mess with their minds for fun.  Is there anything I can inject into the nerf ball that will destroy it's bouncing ability?  Is there something I can cover the outside of it with that will also destroy it?  Nothing obvious like super glue, because they will know it's a prank.  I want it to appear like a complete mystery to them.


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and if there is a chemical that will do this, where can I get it?

Offline discodermolide

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Try water, experiment with the quantity. Remember this will alter the weight of the ball (heavier) but it won't bounce.
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Offline curiouscat

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I once saw a demo of trying to bounce a ball that had just been dunked in Liq. N2.

That was fun.


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Where can I buy liquid N2?  That would be hilarious to watch.


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water won't work because it will dry out, and they can still bounce it by just throwing it even harder off the wall, which will make an even louder noise.

Offline Arkcon

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Then I think you're out of luck.  You can't discard them, or ask them to stop, but water is inadequate.  Well then, other chemicals are too intrusive as well.  You're going to have to live with it, it seems.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline billnotgatez

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Super Glue?

Offline crzycdn

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Did the OP manage to figure something out? This seems like a very unique situation.. I can see how it would be annoying and even a problem to some.

Yet it made me smile. :)

Did the OP try the water, or liquid nitrogen yet?

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