This is nonsense. The numbers you are using appear to be heats of formation of gaseous atoms. But this means formation of the atoms
from the elements - not from compounds. E.g. 717 kJ/mol is the heat of forming C atoms from solid carbon - not from CO or CO
2. So you can't use these numbers in the way you are trying to. And heats of atomisation of compounds are not generally known or tabulated, as far as I know, so this isn't a good way to tackle the problem.
What is tabulated for many compounds is the heat of formation, and you can use this to work out your heats of combustion, e.g.
2Mg + O
2MgO ΔH = 2ΔH
f(MgO) - 2ΔH
f(Mg) - ΔH
2). And remember that the heat of formation of
elements is zero.
The above equation will give you the heat of combustion of 2 mol Mg, so if you want it per mol of Mg, divide by 2.