Obviously.. I took the values at t40 and t60 because the lines of y axis can clearly be seen, with a dot where they intersect.
At thos values, I don't see the ones you get. The tangent line spans 40s. at t70, y.23 and t30, y.55, giving what I see as a value if .32 which is closer to the .28 that they have, but using the .32 value gets me the wrong answers.
Is there a way to determine this value without using the graph? I'm actually good with calculus, actually far more comfortable with calculus than with algebra. The first derivitave of this should be:
[A] + [ B ] -> 2[C]
derivitave [A] / derivative t = -k [A]^n , where n is the rate order, often the same as the stoichometrical value of the coefficient of A.
Can I not solve for k, and at that point having a set k value, be able to plug in any time t so my answers don't have to rely on what value I think I see on the graph?
Thanks for your help btw.