Then I don't understand why Gibbs energies (G0P resp. G0R) don't describe the equilibrium state
For the simple reason that at equilibrium G
P = G
R and ΔG = 0. It is ΔG° that tells us the equilibrium constant. (And G
P° = -RTln([C]
d) is just wrong.)
Let's work it out. (Standard states by the way, means standard conditions
at the specified temperature - which can be whatever you want, not necessarily 298.15K. For pure substances, standard state at that temp (pure liquids and solids have activity 1); gases 1 atm, solutions 1M.) Let's consider a solution reaction
aA + bB
cC + dD
Molar Gibbs energy of compound A at concentration [A] is given by
A = G
A° + RT ln([A]/[A]°) = G
A° + RT ln[A] since [A]° = 1M
ΔG = cG
C + dG
D - aG
A - bG
B= cG
C° + dG
D° - aG
A° - bG
B° + RT (cln[C] + dln[D] - aln[A] - bln[B ]) {Incidentally B in square brackets is code for bold text - put a space in if you want it to appear like conc of B}
= ΔG° + RT ln([C]
a[B ]
At equilibrium ΔG = 0, so
ΔG° = -RTln([C]
eqa[B ]
eqb) = -RTlnK
So K depends on ΔG°, which refers to reactants and products in their standard states.