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Topic: Reaction of HCl with Zn. How does ZnCl2 form when Cl- is a neutral anion?  (Read 3586 times)

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Offline kevinklee2003

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When HCl dissolves in water you get Cl- which is considered a neutral anion because it doesnt bind to anything.

But if you have Zn and HCl in solution, you can get ZnCl2 by the REDOX reaction:
   Zn(s) + HCl(aq)→ ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)

How does Cl- form a bond/compound with ZnCl2 if it’s a neutral anion?

Offline Hunter2

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Re: Reaction of HCl with Zn. How does ZnCl2 form when Cl- is a neutral anion?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 01:05:05 AM »
Ions and in this case Anion are not neutral You see the minus on Cl-. On the other side Hydrogen and Zinc are Cations. The are H+ or Zn2+. So easily ZnCl2 can be formed.

Offline kevinklee2003

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Re: Reaction of HCl with Zn. How does ZnCl2 form when Cl- is a neutral anion?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2014, 06:17:54 PM »
But if you have a solution containing:

Na+ and No3-, they wouldn't form a compound in solution, would they?

Or am i confusing neutral ions when it comes to changing the pH of a solution when said ion exists in the solution? Like Acetate vs Cl- ion, Cl- would be a "neutral" ion because it doesnt not change the pH.

Offline Hunter2

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Re: Reaction of HCl with Zn. How does ZnCl2 form when Cl- is a neutral anion?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2014, 12:45:07 AM »
Use a different word for neutral. Chloride is a inert anion but its not neutral it carries one minus charge.
Sodium and nitrate existing together in a solution. If you evaporate the water the sodium nitrate  NaNO3 will be left.

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