I am wondering if people could give me any tips or pointers for a project of mine. I have to grow a large enough sodium nitrate crystal in order to demonstrate gliding. I've filtered the sodium nitrate several times to remove any non soluble impurities and formed seed crystals by recrystallizing a small amount twice. I'm using a closed Erlenmeyer flask in a hot water bath with temperature control and a small jet to move the water around. I've found that crystals begin to form on the flask at roughly 45°C, but any higher than that and the seed crystal dissolves before it can grow. I've attempted to use larger seed crystals, but they have too many faces and seem to grow crystals on top of the seed instead of the seed itself growing.
I know that this is not a very easy crystal to grow, but at this point I don't have a choice but to keep at it. Any helpful hints or tips would be appreciated. Thank you.