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Topic: Crosslinking polymers contain double bonds  (Read 2470 times)

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Crosslinking polymers contain double bonds
« on: March 22, 2015, 02:26:53 AM »

Are there suitable methods to cross link polymers having double bonds..  sulfur cross linking is not suitable because accelerated are required. i need to use accelerate free .. please help with suggessions

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Re: Crosslinking polymers contain double bonds
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2015, 05:04:57 AM »
Learning how to look up an answer will benefit you far more than reading what someone here thinks it is.  From the simplest post a general chemistry student asks to this, how much time did you take searching for the answer?  I don't know, but I could look it up for you; the fact of the matter is you won't learn anything unless you learn how to find the answers yourself.  Stop delaying the inevitable because it will eventually catch up to you. In addition, your question is ambiguous which I think further proves my point about you needing to learn how to ask people (and search engines) questions in a more succinct manner.  I hope this helps because it will be the most important skill you will take away from working on problems like this. 


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Re: Crosslinking polymers contain double bonds
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2015, 07:15:40 AM »
Yes your are  right to some extent and thank you for it. I think my ques is more abstract . I am also studying and learning how to solve the problem. But meantime i like to ask someone else also.I may able to find a solution after studying lot of text book, papers and testing also own thinking. But i like to get if some have more important idea. if available i can get a solution more quickly.i can narrow my focus and give more concentration on the narrowed scope. I think it will enhance my understanding this matter than studding lot of things blindly. because time is limited one. some one know one thing deeply while other one know other thing deeply. so we can share these with these type of forums.
anyhow i appreciate your response and thank you

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Re: Crosslinking polymers contain double bonds
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2015, 06:41:52 PM »
Look through some books on polymer chemistry, the answer will be there.

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