My lab will consist on:
Having solid sample(1g),that may some organic compounds(shown below):
a)caffeine (1,3,7-Trimethylpurine-2,6-dione)
b) acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin)
c)benzoic acid
I'm trying to find the best set of solvents that will allow me to recrystallize each organic compound.
This is done because i want to know the presence/absence and quantity of the organic compounds of my problem sample.
Experiment i got planned:
1.-add a solvent that makes the 3 compounds soluble.
2.-Filter the solids(
the residual liquid will be used to make a Multi-solvent recrystallization, since each possible compound has a different Melting point we will be able to recrystallize each compound separately.
I got only one hour and a half to send my pre-lab
please chemical forums unite to find the best set solvents