For an undergraduate Instrumental Analysis lab I have been given the task of designing two experiments. I will design and execute experiments for determining the amount of zinc in a sample of sheet brass and the amount of copper in the same sample of sheet brass but this must be done via two different instrumental methods. We will also be given pure copper metal for, I assume, in generating a calibration curve.
The instrumental lab here is not exactly decked out with instruments and we are basically limited to the use of a PerkinElmer ICP-AES and a UV-2450/2550 Spectrophotometer.
Now the determination of copper in brass by UV-VIS spectroscopy is pretty well documented. I have several references and a pretty good idea of how to go about the experiment.
However that leaves ICP as the only method left for the determination of zinc in the sample. I haven't had much luck finding literature relating to analysis of brass by ICP. I am wondering if I am heading in the right direction. If I can't find any literature to help me this could be difficult. I'm pretty sure ICP can be used for this type of analysis but I'm wondering why it isn't typically.
Furthermore the absence of any type of zinc standard alarms me. How am I supposed to generate a calibration curve to determine the concentration of the unknown. I am curious as to what direction the instructors want us to go but I am not ready to turn to them. They want their help to be minimal and so I turn to you all