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Topic: Journalist query about finding time for fitness  (Read 4784 times)

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Journalist query about finding time for fitness
« on: June 21, 2006, 04:01:09 PM »
I'm writing a health column for Chemistry magazine on fitting a
fitness program into the very busy schedules that professional
chemists have, especially when they're launching their careers.

I've been talking with various fitness experts about the topic. But I
also thought it might be fun to get insights from chemists who have
managed to carve out time for fitness, so I'd welcome any anecdotes
you might be able to offer from your own personal experience.

If you'd like to respond, just a couple of sentences about what's
been helpful to you would be great. Please include some identifying
information--either where you work or (if you'd rather not mention
your employer's name) the kind of work you do.

Thank you for your time!

Joan Stephenson

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