Borek, I stand corrected. So there weren't as many instances of newbies apologizing for being in the wrong place as I thought I'd remembered, but there were a few. In Generic Discussions, under the threads Diacetyl (2,3 butanedione), and Common elements question (food allergy related), there were apologies right off the bat. I just think that guests, both of which these were, shouldn't have to start off with an apology. I know I saw more, I just couldn't find them tonight.
I started out last night under the thread Salting a Compound, also in Generic Discussions. Another guest immediately caught a lot of flack from a global moderator simply by asking a question about steroid hormones. I've read it over several times, I can't see what made the moderator so uptight. This same moderator is often sarcastic, nitpicky and condescending.
Same forum, under the thread Impurities on Activated Charcoal, another guest, same moderator practically slapped him down.
Same forum, under the thread Crosslinking polymers contain double bonds, another guest caught it from a full member.
Same forum, under the aformentioned thread Diacetyl (2,3 butanedione), members Dan, kriggy and furanone were great helps. Furanone is often helpful no matter what the moderator says, also Corribus and billnotgatez are always helpful and respectful.
Lastly, same forum, under the thread Mystery reaction, new member asks a sincere question with plenty of supporting links, explaining that he/she is not a chemistry student, just wanting to know because he/she is trying to figure out whether or not a hoax is being perpetrated. Again, global moderator is really ugly with this new member. I could point these out all night. There's entirely too much shaking the finger in the face while once again reciting the rules. They complain about having to repeat things over and over, but they certainly don't seem to mind endlessly repeating the rules!
The point is, why should a guest, or anyone else for that matter, be subjected to this kind of treatment? If a moderator can't be helpful, or at least courteous, he either should remain silent or not be a moderator at all. These are our GUESTS! I'll get off my soapbox now.