I need help solving this problems, can you show me calculations.
How many litres of CO2 will approximately be evolved in the reaction of 18 g of
potassium hydrogen carbonate with 65 g of 10 % sulphuric acid?
A) 1, B) 2, C) 3, D) 4, E) 5.
Answer c)
What must be the minimum concentration (% by mass) of 1 kg of a potassium hydroxide
solution for a complete neutralisation of 3.57 moles of nitric acid?
A) 5 %, B) 10 %, C) 15 %, D) 20 %, E) 25 %.
Answer d)
How many litres of air are approximately required for complete combustion of 1 litre of
A) 1, B) 2, C) 3, D) 4, E) 5.
Answer D)