This statement/question is related to a post from earlier this year. Since it was so old, I decided to start a new topic in case anyone else had similar confusion.
Basically, the original poster asked a question that I have been struggling with for some time. Namely, is the phenomenon of resonance a result of the quantum superposition of the contributing resonance structures?
The reply, posted by Yggdrasil (great name, btw) went as follows:
"No, the resonance structures do not represent a superposition of states. They are eigenstates of the hamiltonian (so they have a defined energy). They basically represent chemical bonds (or more precisely, molecular orbitals) that span more than two atoms, something which conventional organic chemists' drawings have trouble representing."
At first, I thought he was wrong, but after thinking about it, I see that it is the correct answer. My reasoning, however, seems to be fundamentally different from Yggdrasil's explanation, unless I am misinterpreting him. It is possible that what he means by using the phrase "resonance structures" is actually what I am calling the "resonance hybrid" in what follows. If so, then I think our explanations are the same, but I would still like to know if my clarification is accurate.
My reasoning follows, and I welcome any and all corrections or criticisms:
Basically, the resonance hybrid is a complete, exact description of (or wavefunction for) the full molecule. It is a solution to the Schrodinger Equation for the molecule, an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, and therefore a pure quantum state. This resonance hybrid (wavefunction) is a linear combination (or superposition) of the resonance structures (i.e., the individual Lewis diagrams). These structures are only approximations to the true state, and no one of them exactly solves the Schrodinger Equation by itself. Therefore, they are not pure quantum states for the molecule in question. The full resonance hybrid is thus a linear superposition of these in the mathematical sense (a weighted average), but not a quantum superposition in the physical sense.
Does that make sense?
Another way that I thought of visualizing this is by considering the way the wavefunction collapses during a measurement. For a system that is in a quantum state which is a quantum superposition of pure states (think Schrodinger's cat), a measurement will result in a collapse of the system to one of those pure states with a certain probability. This is not what happens in resonance, as we are emphatically reminded by our Organic Chem teachers. The molecule is never observed to be behaving as one resonance structure or another, but always to be the weighted average or hybrid state, which is thus a pure state of the Hamiltonian.