we were working on method of dissolution for atenolol and go on for validating it,Linearity, precision,robustness,every single results come well n good,but we are stuck on this accuracy studies...the procedure is as given below:-
The recovery study was performed using a well-characterized lot of drug product with tight content uniformity. Atenolol reference substance was added to the dissolution vessels in known amounts at the 80%, 100%, and 120% levels. Accordingly, 35mg,50 mg and 70 mg of reference drug was added along with each 50 mg tablet. The dissolution test was performed on Atenolol tablets for 30 min. Analyzing the sample at 226 nm on UV
How to make calculation after that,,all we can find is percentage of the drug release,but we need result in mg/ml,how to find amount of atenolol recovered in mg/ml?