I've been doing some research into ways of protecting the ears from hearing loss and I came across a protein which from what I can gather plays a huge role in preventing it called SERPINF1 or PEDF. My problem is.. I don't really understand what I'm reading as I have next to no knowledge in chemistry but I really want to understand this as it seems this protein plays a huge role in many bodily defences.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PEDFThis is the wikipedia page for the protein. What I want to know mostly is how.. if its possible, I could build a diet where my body could most efficiently make this protein. Its 418 amino acids long but I don't know if its specifying which since I don't really understand what I'm reading. If I were even to know which it was made of how would I use that and get myself to make this protein efficiently?
I'm not sure if I'm making any sense lol but I thought I'd ask here anyway since theres bound to be people who can understand this.