Is 5.96 different from 6? From 6.0? From 6.00? How precise is your value of "real density"?
A quick look at the internet found values of 5.8, 6.0 and 6.1 for the density of V. All quoted to 2 sig figs, but differing by more than 0.1.
No actual material is actually a perfect single crystal. All samples have defects, grain boundaries, voids, inclusions etc. which make the actual density at least a little different from the theoretical, and maybe different between samples (also affected by e.g. impurities, variability of isotopic composition etc.). And of course it varies with temperature. Practically, I don't think it's that easy to measure density to high accuracy; maybe no more than 2 sig figs are justified. Crystallography can determine the crystallographic density to higher accuracy, but as said, that never exactly corresponds to a real sample.