Hello people,
I am trying to validate an analytical method on binary UPLC system for related substances and after months of work literally creating the method from scratch (sourcing suitable columns with the correct diamater and internal chemistry, adjusting the baseline to accomadate a sizeable number of impurities, ensuring they do not co-elute or overlap with each other at different concentrations, using a suitable buffered mobile phase with an appropriate pH etc), I have come across a considerable number of issues which have now almost all been resolved to create a suitable method, but I am having issues with the baseline and although I strongly suspect this issue is related to the mixing of my mobile phase/contamination within the needle wash or injector mechanism (i have eliminated practically everything else), I would appreciate any advice from the knowledageble people here.
Unfortunately I dont have time to go back and start over the method from scratch or to engage in lengthy elimination exercises like changing machines, column types or sourcing different mobile phase raw materials as my method needs to be wrapped up, sealed and delivered to the higher-ups very soon or it could be curtain time for me at end of year review..
Deep breath....
The Facts. (includes images of typical and problem chromatograms)
Intermittent baseline noise (Solvent front to approx. 5 minutes)
Mobile Phase A: Acetonitrile
Mobile Phase B: (Acetonitrile: 20mM Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate di-hydrate buffer (pH 2.9)) 5:95
100 mm phenyl-hexyl column at 50C
Images below from a sample set. Injection 1, 2, 3 (Start of run where problem arises)
As you can see, injection 2 is a mess.Starting conditions are 18:82 (A: B) changing to 22:78 over 7.5 minutes – curve of 2.
There are several other compounds that elute over 40 minutes which do not pose any problems. After 40 minutes there is a 5 minute equilibration step at 18:82 (A: B).
We increased our gradient mixer from 50mcl to 100mcl which dramatically reduced noise in this region; however this issue has arisen and only occurs intermittingly.
I think the issue arises when my sample is injected onto the column (Sample diluent is 30:30:40 MeOH: ACN: Water). It’s a bit late in the day for me to make any drastic changes, but if anyone could suggest anything to aid mixing/equilibration?
Should I try a 10 mM buffer?
I could alter the constituents of the mobile phases and alter the gradient accordingly if anyone thinks that may help. It’s a real problem that it only happens intermittently. Could it be a faulty mixer? What would cause intermittent poor baseline which sometimes manifests at the end of a gradient only to spill over and adulterate the following injection (we have 3 impurities which elute from 1 - 3 mins), then followed by a typical injection? Room is temperature controlled so no fluctuations possible. And advice is very helpful. Thanks. Here are the images. First and third image typical, second problematic.