September 19, 2024, 08:12:28 PM
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Topic: is there a mistake in my book with this Sn2 reaction or am I the one mistaken  (Read 2097 times)

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Offline frankenstein18

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I need to know what the product of this Sn2 reaction is

(CH3)3N reacting with bromoethane

I thought the product would be CH3CH2N(CH3)3

but my book says it's CH3CH2N(CH3)3Br-
is it a mistake or am i just not understanding

Offline kriggy

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Its probably missuderstanding on your part. Basicaly you start with trimethyl amine and by alkylating it with bromoethane you take away the two electrons from the lone pair at nitrogen, meaning that nitrogen will have only 4 electrons instead of 5 so it ends with positive charge that is stabilized by Br-

Offline Babcock_Hall

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Nitrogen still has an octet of electrons, but it has a formal charge of +1.

Offline beardy

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