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Topic: Multi Chemical sensitivity  (Read 3052 times)

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Rolf from the Netherlands

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Multi Chemical sensitivity
« on: November 26, 2015, 11:46:13 AM »
Honorable chemical specialists,

I have been diagnosed with MCS Multi Chemical Sensitivity more information is to find om or

I wear a respirator mask whit a ABEK P3 filters when outside of the house. (ABEK= organic gasses, in organic gasses, acid gasses, ammoniac)
I know that there are substanceses that I don't smel but react to when I don't change the cartrige on time I react to verry small amounts of these substanceses.
If I would use a cartrige whit only activated carbon (A) it will be cheaper du to the reatil prize and life of the cartrige (cartrige is the same size only now filled whit only one component)
Exposure to a chemical related substance may not only cause a allergic reaction but also  will increase the number of compounds in terms of allergy.
Here is a list of the substanceses that I have bin tested on.
The food colering would be only a problem if digested, the plasticizer only by digestion or long skin contact (I think).
My biggest concern is outvapering of these products.
Internal combustion engine exhaust gases and tobacco smoke are also a problem but thes  would be hold of by the activated carbon in both the ABEK and A filter.

Tolu balm
Alpha amylcinnamyl alcohol
Benzyl Cinnamate E1501
Citral and lemongrass oil
Azorubine E122 (red food collor)
aspartame E951(Nutrasweet)
Dibromodicyanobutane /Methyldibromoglutaronitril
(Euxyl K400 preservative liquide products)
dioctyl phthalate (plasticizer ?)
Di-2-ethylhexyl phtalate (plasticizer ?)
Di-n-butylphtalate (plasticizer ?)

Would it be wise to use only a activated carbon filter?

Regards Rolf

Offline billnotgatez

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Re: Multi Chemical sensitivity
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2015, 11:51:19 AM »
We typically do not answer this type of question due to forum rules.
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Rolf from the Netherlands

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Re: Multi Chemical sensitivity
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2015, 01:44:59 PM »
I will rephrase the question:

Would an active carbon filter adsorb the aboven mentioned chemicals or are there substanceses that ar not in the cathegorie of organic gasses and or vapoers?

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