I need to do a coupling between a phenol and an alcohol using mitsunobu conditions. Attached is the reaction scheme, including the desired target and isolated side-product. I was mixing the alcohol, phenol, PPh3 and adding DIAD slowly last.
What i know is this: the phenol para position reacts with the DIAD probably at the same rate as the PPh3, so i end up with the DIAD-alkylated target, confirmed by HNMR and MS.
I then modify the order of addition, by mixing the PPh3 with DIAD, then adding the alcohol, and last adding the phenol. It increased the ratio target / side product slightly (5 %).
The way i see it is the phenol probably attack the DIAD before the mitsunobu coupling takes place, otherwise there isnt suppose to be any DIAD left in the reaction...
Anyone has any idea how to avoid such side reaction?