I would like to demagnetize a neodymium magnet with the flame of a candle. The magnet has a holding power of 22 lbs.
The curie temperature of those magnets is 310-400°C.
The magnet consists of Nd2Fe14B with a Nickel-Copper-Nickel coating.
The melting point of Nickel is 1455 °C.
Nickel gives the silvery-white look of de Neodymium magnets.
The flame of a candle burns at +/- 1100°C.
So in theory, I could easily bring the temperature of the magnet above the Curie temperature without damaging the coating...while using a candle flame.
The magnets consists of a fine magnetic powder which is highly flammable.
So it's important that the coating stays intact.
Is it safe to demagnetize it above a candle?