Okay, I believe this is the right place as many of you here are knowledgeable when it comes to chemistry (unlike me) also don't laugh, I'm no chemistry guy and I was not thinking clearly that day.
So it was monday morning n we went into the laboratory, then this non transparent, green if I remember right, bottle was on one of the tables. The teacher he just said, that one smells awful, dont touch it then he went to get some stuff out of a closet, and me and my friends decided to smell it.
Since it was a school laboratory I thought it must be safe, also my teacher is very careful and forces us to wear safety glasses and gloves before we even enter, so I thought, if he didn't mind leaving it like that, it could not be dangerous.
I opened it, and then I inhaled it. But listen, I only inhaled it 'a little', I was very careful to inhale a minimal amount. I thought, that's so small, can't be significant. Was I wrong xD I nearly fell to the floor from the strength of the smell and I also felt a slight burn in my nostrils. I coughed a little, drank some water and came back to my senses after like 10 seconds.
That's about the only exceptional thing that happened that day. Anyway, I won't do that ever again, and what I'm here for is to find out what that chemical could have been as I havent got an answer yet and I want to know what i inhaled if you know what i mean