Potassium is not bound to anything. Product is a dissolved salt, fully dissociated.
Do you know what is a net ionic reaction?
Yes, I have done those so Potassium is a spectator that doesn't participate in the intermediate reactions?
Just to add to my last post:
I just learned that the cause is something called the Chelate Effect. Two O-'s from each of the three oxalates binds to Aluminum. The Al core has 3+ and the O-'s are 6- (since there are six of them). That is why we have K3 because K+ times three = 3+ to make the final charge 0. But what about the 4 OH-'s from the beginning? I was thinking that the H+'s the were removed from oxalic acid to make oxalate would join with the OH-'s to make water but not sure.
I have K3Al(C2O4)3 ∙ 3H2O + 4OH- + 6H+ as final products but something seems wrong.