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Topic: Chemicals for use in rug industry  (Read 1973 times)

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Chemicals for use in rug industry
« on: April 19, 2016, 02:58:34 AM »
I am an oriental rug manufacturer from India and in the past few years I think I have been losing out for the lack of my knowledge in chemistry. We have been using traditional washing methods for rug since 3 generations but now I see other manufacturers products have a better look invariably due to a change in the washing process. This is where I am seeking you hlep :-

We currently use Acetic Acid, Sodium hypochlorite or bleach, caustic soda, hydrogen peroxide to wash our rugs. The function of each is as follows :-

Acetic Acid - To clean the rug , soften it up a bit and add sheen
Bleach - Reduce & soften the colors
Caustic Soda - To soften the woolen fibres so that the rug feels soft
hydrogen peroxide - a slight layer is applied so that if there is any yellowishness - it goes away

My question is that now there are people whose products are much softer and shinier and whiter than what could be achieved by the above. I basically need something which will clean the rug, soften the colors

(by this i mean de-saturate the colors for example




as I know for a fact that this look is achieved in the washing and not dyeing stage )

Secondly - if I use too much hydrogen peroxide to white the rug it starts to damage the rug. Is there something I can use to whiten wool/silk after it has been made into a rug

Thirdly - what can I use to increase softness of the woolen/silk pile and increase their shine.

Fourth - something which will eat up wool and leave silk/cotton intact. Someone told me that I can use ferric oxide for this, i tried but it did not work.

A little bit of guidance on these will help me a lot and be highly appreciated.


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