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Topic: No answers when doing problems  (Read 3924 times)

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No answers when doing problems
« on: August 18, 2016, 10:41:38 AM »
For some reason, my professor is using an ancient organic chemistry textbook where the solutions manual seem to be non-existent (apparently even the prof doesn't own it). The thing is, I like the subject and I've been doing online problems but I want to have a go at the problems in my textbook since they seem to be a lot more difficult.
I asked my prof and he said that if the answer makes sense then it's the answer. However, as a noob how can I really trust my intuition? Part of the thing that I like about solving difficult questions is the satisfaction and I feel kinda unsure about spending possible hours on a problem without ever really knowing whether it's right or not. However, I suppose this is some researcher's reality.
I'd love to find a group of people at my school who are interested in solving these problems together but my school is very bio-oriented and there aren't a lot of people who are interested in smelling the flowers called chemistry. I also don't want to approach the professor or the TA every time I have a question (which is usually like 10 per problem lol)
I'll keep looking and I'll probably try out some of these mystery problems later today.

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Re: No answers when doing problems
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2016, 11:05:47 AM »
Most old textbooks gave answers (not solutions) at least to a half of problems.

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Re: No answers when doing problems
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2016, 11:54:20 AM »
For some reason, my professor is using an ancient organic chemistry textbook where the solutions manual seem to be non-existent (apparently even the prof doesn't own it). The thing is, I like the subject and I've been doing online problems but I want to have a go at the problems in my textbook since they seem to be a lot more difficult.
I asked my prof and he said that if the answer makes sense then it's the answer. However, as a noob how can I really trust my intuition? Part of the thing that I like about solving difficult questions is the satisfaction and I feel kinda unsure about spending possible hours on a problem without ever really knowing whether it's right or not. However, I suppose this is some researcher's reality.
I'd love to find a group of people at my school who are interested in solving these problems together but my school is very bio-oriented and there aren't a lot of people who are interested in smelling the flowers called chemistry. I also don't want to approach the professor or the TA every time I have a question (which is usually like 10 per problem lol)
I'll keep looking and I'll probably try out some of these mystery problems later today.

I like your attitude of challenging difficult subjects. It is of course normal you would like to see if you get it right or wrong

What do you think using a newer and good textbook? I think in terms of learning, it does not matter if you change to another textbook. The exam questions won't be just copied from your old textbook

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Re: No answers when doing problems
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2016, 02:10:18 PM »

Post questions and your answers here (at the organic chemistry forum). Most regulars will be ready to discuss them and point you in directions you would never think about.
ChemBuddy chemical calculators - stoichiometry, pH, concentration, buffer preparation,

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Re: No answers when doing problems
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2016, 08:06:26 AM »
If you don't want to bother your professor, you may think about some tutor or mentor. Have you tried to find any?

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