I have some alloys that are 70/30 copper/zinc and some that are 60/25/15 Zn/Al/Cu and I was wondering what is the best way to seperate these metals using either acids or bases and or electolysis. I also have access to a forge that can melt all of these up to a temp of about 2500F. I DO NOT want to boil zinc as I have no means of condensing something like this currently. IDK if a stainless steel still would work, but I would be afraid of ruining it with remnence from the process.
The thing is that whatever I use as an acid or solvent I would like to be able to recover if possible by distillation, gas capture or bubbling through other compound.
I was thinking about dissolving these in nitric acid and using solvents
Zinc nitrate
melting points:
230 °F (anhydrous)
114 °F (trihydrate)
98 °F (hexahydrate) decomposes to Trihydrate
Soluable in alcohols
Decomposes to ZnO and NO2
Copper nitrate melts
melting points:
493 °F(anhydrous, decomposes)
238 °F (trihydrate)
80 °F (hexahydrate, decomposes)
Soluable in alcohol, water and ammonia
insoluable in ethyl acetate
Aluminum Nitrate
melting points:
151 °F; 339 K) (anhydrous)[1]
165.0 °F; 347.0 K) (nonahydrate)
Soluble in ethanol, methanol and ethelyne glycol
I considered then adding NaOH or a carbonate
I also looked at Sulfuric acid as an alternitive to HNO3. in Wiki ZnSO4 is soluble in "alcohols" and CuSO4 is insoluable in ethanol. Looking at other sources it states it is insoluble in ethanol. AlSO$ is "slightly soluable in alcohol" as per wiki.
I can't count the times I have gotten conflicting info from Wiki, so Ihave come here to seek advice. What would be the best way to do this?
Also, dissolving Cu in H2SO4 is VERY slow even with heat (150-190F) and a concentration from 31% to 93. It works very well when I use 35% H2O2 but that gets expensive and I think it wastes a lot.
Next I need to figure out Pb, Zn, Sb and maybe Sn seperation.
Any help is greatly appreciated!