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Topic: How does a carbon chain's length influence solubility?  (Read 30282 times)

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Offline Sis290025

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How does a carbon chain's length influence solubility?
« on: September 05, 2006, 06:16:26 AM »
a. How does the length of the carbon chain influence the solubility of the test alcohol in water?

If there are more carbon atoms, then the test alcohol is more insoluble in water.  ???

b. How does the length of the carbon chain influence the solubility of the test alcohol in hexane?

If there are more carbon atoms, then the alcohol is more soluble in hexane.  ???

Thanks for any help.

Offline Albert

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Re: How does a carbon chain's length influence solubility?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 06:26:06 AM »
Your answers are correct. Check out for a more detailed description  of how the length of the carbon chain influence solubility.

You can use thermodynamics to prove your statements.

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