Another problem I haveĀ is using pascal`s triangle,
how do I work out "a spin 1/2 nucleus coupling to a one spin 3/2 nucleus, how many lines the resonance is of the spin 1/2 nucleus split into, and the relative intensities"
Pascal's triangle only works for coupling to spin-1/2 nuclei.
For coupling to nuclei with I>1/2 (where I is nuclear spin), you must consider the number of space quantisations of of m
I. The number of these space quantisations is 2I+1 - the signal is split into this number of peaks of equal intensity (just as coupling to one I=1/2 nucleus, where 2I+1 = 2, splits the signal into a 1:1 doublet).
Just to clarify, if you couple to several I>1/2 nuclei, you will have to do a tree/stick diagram or something similar to work out the intensity ratio.
So to answer your second question, coupling to one I=3/2 nucleus you will give a 1:1:1:1 quartet.
As for your first question, I have no idea