i need help i'm trying to make ozonated olive oil soap
i make ozonated olive oil on a regular bases
i can make soap also
but issue i'm haveing is i make my water+lye solution that is needed for soap then i add in my ozonated olive oil and that is when trouble starts (from my understanding when i make ozonated olive oil (and it is strong paste like as a finished product but can me warmed upped to make it back into liquid) from reading i think that the ozone + olive oil creates hydrogen peroxide
out of about 20 tries i have been somewhat successful twice.
things i done -
would put my lye water in refrigerator until very cold, would have my oil as cold as possible to still be liquid
usual results - mixture will get hot one time very hot and melted heavy plastic bowl, some times after i lightly mixed the 2 it will heat up.
the 2 times when i was successful the soap never really cured/dried
i been using normal calculations for the water lye ratio as i would have i been making regular olive oil soap
can i put the lye water in freezer and make it colder as to not have this explosive reaction? maybe put lye/water mixture container inside another container that i fill with water and the outside container is froze solid before i try adding in my oil?
any and all help would be appreciated.