To make pepperoni pizza, you require the following ingredients: 1 crust, ½ can of sauce, 2 cups of cheese and 40 slices of pepperoni.
You have 5 crusts, 2 cans of sauce, 10 cups of cheese and 120 slices of pepperoni. Assuming you make the most pizzas you can with the given ingredients, identify all TRUE statements:
1) There will be excess cheese --- True!
2) There will be excess pepperoni
3) The theoretical yield of pizzas is 5
4) Cheese is the limiting reagent
5) There will be excess crust
6) Sauce is the limiting reagent
7) The theoretical yield of pizzas is 2

Pepperoni is the limiting reagent
9) There will be excess sauce
10) The theoretical yield of pizzas is 4
11) The theoretical yield of pizzas is 3
12) Crust is the limiting reagent
I'm having a hard time understanding this question beyond #1
Any help is gladly needed!
Thank-you all for your time!