I mean, you can neglect anything you want, obviously. The trick is to know what is reasonable to neglect in any given situation, a determination which needs to be contextualized also by what is a reasonable degree of accuracy for your application. And in any case, as Irlanur has already pointed out, the overlap integral is the least of your problems. Certainly the exchange and Coulomb integrals cannot be summarily reduced to nothing, and there's no simple means of calculating them by means of algebraic manipulations. Even in the Huckel treatment, which is probably one of the most complex theoretical treatments of complex molecules that can done by hand, despite its many shortcuts, an experimental value of the beta integral is still used to estimate energy levels. More sophisticated methods necessarily used a wide variety of other approximations and almost always computers - calculations that can still closely approach experimental values for small molecules like H2.
But... the more I go on here it seems like you just want the energy expressed in terms of (unsolved) alpha and beta integrals. In that case, what you've reported here is fine I think, as long as you realize the effect of the approximations you make along the way.