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Topic: Gatorade / powerade  (Read 8263 times)

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Gatorade / powerade
« on: June 04, 2006, 12:59:40 PM »
i know this sounds like a stupid question but i always wondered about it...

Why does gatorade and powerade when it been in the freezer for awhile its still a liquid form when u take it out of the freezer as soon as u open it, it freezes completely??
Andrew Ramos

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Re: Gatorade / powerade
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2006, 07:01:34 PM »
Sounds to me like you have supercooled powerade. For crystallisation to occur, you need to have a a small particle for the crystal to start growing on - this is why you might scratch the bottom of a glass vessel with a glass rod to encourage crystallisation of a supersaturated solution in the lab. My guess is that as soon as you open the bottle, dust particles hit the drink and crystallisation suddenly happens. You can do the same thing with pure distilled water.

Try opening the drink first, and then putting it in the freezer and see if it does the same thing (I reckon it'll freeze) - or drop a grain of sand or something in it before you cool it.
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