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Topic: SOLUTIONS - COULD YOU HELP ME ?  (Read 1900 times)

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Offline rorl

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« on: May 24, 2017, 02:36:55 AM »
5) What is the mass of KCl in 250mL of a 3% (w / v) solution of this salt? Answer: 7.5 g

6) Which mass of Na2CO3 of purity equal to 80% should be dissolved in water to prepare 500 ml of a 2% (w / v) solution? Answer: 12.5 g

5) What means 3% in this case ? I know that x %(solute mass /solution volume) represent that in 100 mL of solution, there is x% of solute mass. But I don't understant this question.

6) What is a purity in this case ? I've no idea.

Thanks for help me. Can you indicate a book for me ? I'm a electrical engineer student.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 02:49:35 AM by rorl »

Offline Borek

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« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2017, 03:04:01 AM »
3% w/v means 3 g per 100 mL, that's exactly what the definition states, no idea where you have problem.

80% purity means the compound is 80% of the sample, the other 20% being impurities.
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