Hi Sucrose,
I wonder how slow dissolution becomes when the concentration approaches the limit, and how you will know that the solutions has attained (= is close enough to) the limit. A different temperature, where the solubility is bigger, and amounts measured prior to mixing, let operate farther to the limit and possibly gain time.
You will have to store the solution at +25°C too, as a temperature change would let the solute precipitate.
Checking the solution's concentration afterwards doesn't look much simpler than weighing the compounds before. Some water pumps offer an exact displacement volume. The regulation loop may need knowledge not available within your company but easily found at a contractor, a university... And if your amounts suffice, maybe you can ask your suppliers to fill exactly 21kg powder per bag and 10kg water per containers?
Don't forget the ease of cleaning your machine. Heaters on the outer side of the tank's wall may simplify this, a good design of the stirring element too. I also wonder how quickly the filter will clog, since it would necessarily operate from an over-saturated solution. Discontinuous operation, where the excess solute is allowed to sediment before filtering the solution out, would help but looks lengthy.