I have a 100ml ampulla of Bbr3, it's a lot more than i need for my first usage. So what should i do once i've broken the ampulla and .withdrawn the 5ml or so that i need ? Try to reseal the ampulla with a torch, is it reasonable ? Or reseal the ampulla with some kind of wax ? If l need to take some say 20 times i don't want to break glass 20 times, the best solution would be to transfer it to a dark glass bottle, then knowing the agessivity of the product what would be the best capping ?
I'd like to be able to conserve it and use it at will for maybe one year or two. Since i have no fume hood i would operate outdoor, maybe a small fan pushing away from me the hbr fumes, double pair of gloves and googles.
Thanx for your help.