I think the grams is correct. DMAP is typically catalytic in this reaction and it called for 0.22 mols of DCC. On the other hand, I have trouble thinking of a way in which excess DMAP will screw things up. Perhaps this reaction could be run both ways in an NMR tube to get an idea? No aqueous workup needed. The conversion should be trackable by loss of the C=C-H next to the carboxylic acid and conversion to ester by 1H.
I looked at OrgSyns site a bit and they are extremely fastidious about this sort of thing, perhaps an email to them might help clear this up if they have some other documentation associated with the reaction. The way Orgsyn works is that a reaction is submitted to them, then repeated in an editor's lab, so there might be some extra stuff they can refer to.
No luck on improving the Fischer esterification route? I've just always had such terrible luck with Steglich, and getting DCU out of this kind of moderately polar molecule one of my personal nightmares. Even the excellent suggestion of recrystallization in MeCN doesn't always work.