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Topic: Naperian absorption coefficient and spectra slope coefficient  (Read 4910 times)

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please i need simple definitions of the above terms and their implications in a water sample. I have checked the internet and obtained some information but I cant find a clear-cut definition on what they are and how they can be obtained experimentally.

What are they? How can they be obtained? What information does the result give?

Thank you

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Re: Naperian absorption coefficient and spectra slope coefficient
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2017, 07:31:04 AM »
Did you find this paper? It uses both terms:
"Absorbance corrected for offset was then converted to Napierian absorption coefficient, ag(λ) (m-1). The dependence of ag(λ) on λ is typically described using Eq. 1:
ag(λ) = ag0)e-S(λ-λ0)                      (1)
where λ0 < λ and S is the spectral slope coefficient in the λ0–λ-nm spectral range. Spectral slope coefficients were estimated using a linear fit of the log-linearized ag(λ) spectrum over their respective spectral range and are reported here with units of nm-1. Measurements of DOC and ag(350) were used to calculate DOC-normalized absorption coefficients (ag(350) : DOC), expressed here in units of L mol-1 cm-1."

From this I take it that Napierian absorption coefficient is the absorbance per unit length of the sample. (Napierian means using natural logs rather than log10.) Thus A = ln(I0/It) and a = A/l, where l is the path length.
Spectral slope coefficient is a measure of how the absorption coefficient changes with wavelength. In appropriate circumstances, over a relatively narrow wavelength range, it can be described by Eq. 1, i.e. it varies exponentially with wavelength.

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Re: Naperian absorption coefficient and spectra slope coefficient
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 02:52:23 AM »
Thank you for response. It was highly helpful.

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