SJP may have misread what you said - the bottle you have contains MgBr2.Et2O, which is just magnesium bromide with a solvent molecule stuck on. There is no plausible mechanism for using this to generate the grignard that you need, since the formation of a grignard reagent from an alkyl halide occurs by an oxidative addition of Mg(0) - all you have in that pot is Mg(II) so it can't do the necessary oxidative addition.
I'm afraid you'll have to make your Grignard the old fashioned way, but on the plus side they are quite fun to make. If you're having trouble forming the Grignard there are a bunch of ways to make the reaction work better, including mechanical activation of the Mg, and addition of I2 and/or 1,2-DBE.
Hope this helps.