I'm sorry you've had poor results so far, but your question is hard to parse. You seem to be missing on some very basic knowledge, or leaving out some process steps, or ... something. Let's try to work with what you've said ...
Hello All,
New to the forums so forgive me for my lack of knowledge when it comes to chemistry. I'm writing this post because
*SIGH* I just don't know what to do when a post starts out like this. No one knows everything, but there's no reason to attack your own inexperience like this. Unless, you want sympathy, so we never correct a bad idea of yours. In which case, shame on you for trying to manipulate us in that way.
I haven't been able to find out the micron size of an
Sizes are reported for many things, lets see how fortunate we are with the items in question.
Oh good. Once we know how your nebulizer works, we'll have some sizes maybe.
nicotine molecule.
Molecules are generally sub-micron in size.
This is the problem right away. I have to split a statement of yours into three parts, I can't say, "Yes", "No", "Bad idea" or "Try again" because one statement is made up of A half-truth, something we can work with and an illogical statement. I recognize there can be jargon, or you haven't expressed what you mean, but again, where are you going with this.
How big is a box? And why?
How do I get downtown, and quickly please, I'm late already.
Questions such as these can't be answered online, and yours has similar problems.
I need this information because I'm looking to purchase a Respirator to wear while I mix e-liquids.
There may be occupational standards. You should look them up and follow them. When you're mixing liquids, how are they aresolized? How do you know nicotine molecules are flying around? What would make them leave? Why not mix in a closed box?
I looked over a Nicotine MSDS many a time, to no avail. The MSDS doesn't list the micron size, or it lists it in terms that I can't translate. A simple google search turns up nothing. I'll link the MSDS Report below in case any of you want to make me feel stupid...
Micron size may be listed for some things, but not for nicotine. Can you see why?
All info I've found has told me to get the "3M" Respirator, or a "Hepa"Filter. That's all very helpful, but I need to know what model/type to get because they're all made for different situations.
OK. What do those do? What models are there, and what situations do they cover? And why don't they cover yours? And how do you know that they don't cover your situation?
If I can find the micron size of Nicotine, I can narrow my search for a proper respirator.
I'm still stuck grasping at the concept.
Any and all help is MUCH appreciated.
We have much work to do. But lets try working with what occupation safety sources say you should have.
silverz89: was able to provide you with some specific help. Notice: micron size of nicotine molecule isn't in their response.