Hello, do you have any idea about the origin of brown contamination that is located on the coated part of my experimental glass.
I consider about furnace contamination, but I am not sure (84% of Zn, Sn).
Brown contamination on the surface of the glass - SEM EDX:
Mon Sep 18 12:47:59 2017
Filter Fit Chi-squared value: 9.434
Correction Method: Proza (Phi-Rho-Z)
Acc.Voltage: 15.0 kV Take Off Angle: 31.5 deg
Element Element Atom % Compnd Norm.
Wt.% Formula Compnd
C --- --- CO2 ---
O 23.81S 57.69 ---
Mg --- --- MgO ---
Al 1.09 1.56 Al2O3 2.06
Si 1.81 2.50 SiO2 3.88
S 1.15 1.40 SO3 2.88
Ca 2.52 2.44 CaO 3.52
Fe 2.43 1.69 Fe2O3 3.47
Zn 40.41 23.96 ZnO 50.30
Ag 0.57 0.20 Ag2O 0.61
Sn 26.20 8.56 SnO2 33.27
---------- ---------- ----------
Do you have any suggestions?
I would appreciate any help.