Thanks Arkcon
We're always glad to help.
I have done an exhaustive search of the pharmacopeia and have tried several methods from it, but due to equipment limitations I need some other methods not included in the pharmacopeia..
You have not yet told us your scope. You have a pharmacopeia, relevant for the jurisdiction for which the product will be sold. I guess. You haven't said that's true. Whatever national group that applies. Which you also haven't said. I'm a MOD: so I can see your IP address, and guess your nation, do I have to?
My quick search of the US pharmacopeia tells me the assay for raw material purity is HPLC. You tried this, you said? But you have instrument limitations, so you didn't I guess? Also, you will need different method for different dosage forms.
Where are you in addressing your challenge. How far have you gone? How far do you need to go?
Are you in high school? Are you in an advanced high school course? Are you learning the concepts in a university? Are you a produced of small OEM batches of pharmaceuticals?
A UV method for an Ibuprofen complex would also be suitable for me.
You can try to develop one. Do you know of the limitations and problems you might face? A validated analytical method, developed for you by a testing laboratory, would cost you upwards of $100,000 USD. I unfortunately don't have analytical instrumentation at my home, or I would gladly develop one to your standards for $99,999 USD, plus $1 handling fee.