I've been given AgCl which for some reason dissociates in water.
Which of the following decreases the solutes solubility:
AgCl solid;
AgNO3 solution;
KCl solution;
HCl solution;
There are no concentrations or anything. I think this is supposed to be 'an easy one'.
What I got from the book, is that similar molecules make each other more soluble. So AgCl solid wouldn't work, right? Since they are the same molecules and would do the opposite of whats asked?
But I'd say that AgCl solid would make it less soluble. As solution gets more saturated, the dissociation decreases (right???). Therefore AgCl solid would make the solution more saturated. And AgCl would dissociate less.
Does 'solid' or 'solution' make a difference here?
Which of the following have the highest freezing point (Is this supposed to mean closest to zero or furthest? I want to think that -4 would be higher than -5 as -4 is more than -5, but I guess that's not how it works?) and highest boiling point?
NaCl solution, glucose solution, sea water, distilled water.
For some reason there are no concentrations.
From the theory I'd say that I have to calculate i (isotopic coefficient), therefore sea water would probably be the answer, since it has so many salts that would dissociate and make the isotopic coefficient higher? And the more ions and molecules are in solvent, the highest the boiling point and lower the freezing point (bigger minuses)?
I've been given Osmotic pressures for some solutions. C=0.1M. Which of the solutions will freeze sooner?
pi = the osmotic pressure, not sure how to type it.
pi(glucosis) < pi(urea) < pi(ethanol)
From the theory it should be glucosis? Since more pressure -> the sooner it freezes ( Or the other way around)?