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Topic: Determination of metal concentration as a university project  (Read 1416 times)

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Determination of metal concentration as a university project
« on: December 14, 2018, 08:09:35 AM »
As a part of a university course in analitical chem I was given a solution of MnSO4 and Co(NO3)2 and was  asked to determain thier concentration , I tried oxidising the Mn+2 to  MnO4 using H3PO4 and KIO4 , it worked , but then I tried to run a  sepctroscopy test of the solution I got 3 peaks, which doesn't make alot  of sence....
Dose any one know what could have happened ?
And I'd love to hear if you have any more ideas!
I thought about EDTA titration but I have no idea what range of pH to use , the book I'm using isn't that comprehansable
I asked for HgSCN to use in order to parcipitate the cobalt but they said it's too dangeruse and did not let me use it

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