I have this lab due tomorrow and I'm a bit confused on calculating the concentrations.
It was a 2 stage reaction equations are as followed:
(1) Io
3-(aq) + 3HSO
3-(aq) I
-(aq) + 3SO
42-(aq) + 3H
+(aq)(2) 5I
-(aq) + 6H
+(aq) IO
3-(aq) 3I
2(aq) + 3H
We had had 2 Solutions named A and B, we're given that Solution A has IO
3- ion and Solution B has 3HSO
3- ion and soluble starch.
We would then mix A and B (10 mL each) thoroughly and time how long it would take to react, we repeated this multiple times diluting Solution A with distilled water with ratios of 9:1, 8:2, and so on to 5:5. My teacher wants me to find the concentration of IO
3- ions in the 20 mL mixture we created, and I have zero clue where to start. Thanks for any help.